So Im doing these drawings for this fashion website. These are some of the sketchs I got done so far, I still got to ink em up and then finally ad some color to these suckers. Anyways Im not sure what ones are gonna end up being used but I like hows its going so far. Keep watching I'll have the inked and coloured versions soon.
Hey Bri nice stuff so far!
I really like the head shot with the bandana, and the page with the three standing poses is really cool. I think the two walking poses are off to a good start, but if I could make a suggestion I think you could really push the poses more with a couple adjustments.
For instance, in the left-most pose I think you could make the hip of the stepping leg lower than that of the back leg and avoid having the hips and shoulders being parallel. In the second pose I think if you moved her front foot a little more towards her center she would look more balanced, and you'd have a nice curve down her leg.
Can't wait to see them inked and coloured! L8r
Nuge..nice stuff man. Can't wait to see it finished!
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