So this is one of my favorite characters from Lost, the popular television program, you might of heard of it. John Locke!!! I dont know what took me so long to get on board with this show. It is pretty rad. Im going to watch the finale of season 2 tonight and I cant wait. I'll definitly be up to date in time for the last season. Can it fill the hole BSG is going to leave in my heart in two weeks? We'll find out.
Also, I saw Watchmen yesterday afternoon. My capsule review, pretty good. Its definitly a much better translation than I thought possible. Theres a lot of layers of the book missing and the sense of parody and reconstruction of the comics genre. But the crux of the storys there and it was fun to see a lot of the big moments on screen. So cup slightly over half full. Im very relieved its not terrible though. I was expectiing 300 the sequal.
A blog post dedicated to ME. It's all downhill from here man. Love this dude, way to get into the LOST man..best show ever. You captured Locke really well too. Instantly recognizable..Nice work Nuge!
irish car bombs last night..ouch....anyhoo, nice old guy from lost!...he's looking ready for some action....speaking of tv, i'm ready for some wire season 5 action...i've the got 3and4 ready to swop..
Hi brian. Angson here. Escapist + poster guy. Send me your email address and I'll send you pictures of your drawings nybcboy at yahoo dot com
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