Hey Dudes,
FanExpo is just around the corner. In fact it starts on Thursday which is literally two sleeps away if you are on a standard sleep sched. I will be at table
A167 alongside the Invincible Phil McClorey. We bot got a couple new things that will be coming out. The above image is a cover to a mini that is a sampler for an anthology that I believe will be coming out at some point. That is very confusing. What it is for sure though is awesome. The mini is called Action Adventure Comics. It contains that blistering cover above which I did, a seven page comic by myself and self friend
Phil McClorey (that you can see the first page process of in the post below) and a 10 or 12 page comic by Marvin Law and the industrious Phil McClorey. So that will be available.
Additionally this convention will mark the official release of Horror in the West! This excellent anthology contains a seven or eight page comic by myself and spider monkey advocate
AG Pasquella along with many other awesome stories sure to chill and terrify.
Other than those two awesome books I will also have my usual array of excellent minis including Sassy Mavericks, Fight Song, Don River and Lucy Legacy so be sure to swing by and pick em up!