Stadium Comics hosted me and a whole bunch of other awesome artists last weekend. Met some nice people and drew some fun ol' drawings. Thought I would post some of the results here. Drew a whole bunch of superheroes! I broke out some of my ol' favs. Cyclops in the classic X-Factor costume was inspired by Cykes' recent murder of Prof X! What was that all about? Lame Marvel. Magneto! My fav villain from my childhood. This pose was a from memory homage to Jim Lees opening two page spread from X Men #1 (the best selling comic book of all time.), looking it up now, I see I
did not quite get it right.. Hulk! I only had two ink colours with me, red and blue. I was so confused about what to do, then
Phil told me that Hulk is red now! Perfect! The Superman was my first drawing, he is flying through space! That's cool!
Anyhow, good times. Thanks to Stadium, all the people who stopped by and all my brothers and sisters on the front lines of the funny books!