Thursday, July 30, 2009

Almost missed July...almost.

Its summer in Toronto! Have you been watching all the pretty girls? Lucky you! This is what I imagine a pretty girl looks like. Its hard to know for sure. Ive not left my room in weeks. And why you ask.... finish a certain book! This here was {its no longer in the book} the first page of the current incarnation of Jim and Jenn that I did.
I've proclaimed Jim and Jenn finished in other places already. I will hold off on that proclamation here on my favorite blog though, untill it is 100% complete on the production end. Im still tweaking here and there, have a cover to draw and 100+ pages to letter. I anticipate though that sometime next week I will be posting the cover and the official proclamation along with maybe a five page preview for you my favorite blog readers! The end is so tantalizingly close, Im excited.


Jacalicious said...

Looking forward to seeing it!

Blair Kitchen said...

Sweet! Is it going to be ready for the Fan Expo?

Louis Champagne said...

Over 100 pages!?!
sick dude! cant wait to see it!

Jesse Millest said...

Dude, way to post before the end of july ok?

Im just saying.

Youre a maniac.

Ben Reynolds said...

Dude! Can't wait to see the book! Hurry up! haha..i kid.

But seriously..whats taking so long?