Friday, March 25, 2011

Sketch Dump March 11!

Dudes, here is a sketch dump! Drawings! These are various things from my sketch book. I have not updated on here for a while. I am drawing all sorts of comics! Not so many sketches though. Remember to check out my web comic Psychic Drama! Its good.

Also here is a photo from the Wizard World convention this past weekend. It was a good time. I sat of course with Julie of Promises fame and was Flanked by indie comic giants Ben Rivers of Snow fame and Mr Brian Mclachlan of the world famous Princess Planet. We had a good lil table group going on. As for the show itself, it was much better than last year. So hopefully it can continue to build and be a viable third show for Toronto.

1 comment:

Louis Champagne said...

Nice Batman Brian. Its all about the children