One of my very favorite webcomics,
Scary go round, ended yesterday. I suggest everyone check it out, its crazy good.
John Allison, its creator has a new strip starting shortly though to fill the void, so thats exciting. Still though, Shelly, Amy, Ryan and all the rest, have a special place in my heart. I couldnt resist using this as an excuse to draw a pinup of these great characters.
In other news, at the end of this month I will be America bound for
SPX. I've never been to this show before and I'm very excited about it. To tie it all together as well Mister John Allison will be in attendance!
Anyways, hope you all like these, I know the design is pretty similair to my inside back cover for Jim and Jenn, but what can you do. Those Lost dvd designs, they stick with ya.