Monday, November 22, 2010

Life Drawing Nov 18th, 2010

I hope its getting better..This was actually a pretty rough week. I bought these charcoal pencils, then didn't have anything to sharpen em with. So half way through I had to switch back to the blue colerase. I felt like nothing was going right this week. I didn't get one I really like till the last one. The 30 min pose in the top left. Anyways, its all a process. I will be back there on Thursday, maybe that will be my break through day!


Kirk Jorgensen said...

life drawing that's great Bri. It's like hockey practice on paper? ..or somethn' like that.
I like the facebook profile pic too.

Brian Evinou said...

I think I could use a bit more of both kind of practice! Thanks for the comment dude!

Anonymous said...

Where are the life drawing sessions held and what are the hours?

Thanks for sharing.


Brian Evinou said...

Hey Trent,

I do my life drawing at the TSA, toronto school of art. They have it multiple times throughout the week. The one I go to is Thursdays, 7 to 10pm. Get there for 6 30 if you want a seat though. Its always a full house.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info, Brian.
